I have been curious about needle felting for a couple of years, but I became inspired when I watched a needle felting artist working at the Arts Fest here in State College, PA. I was intrigued by how easy it was to sculpt the fibers into amazing things. Kind of like clay, but fuzzy! So yesterday I took the plunge and bought a needle felting kit. With a few molds, some wool roving, a needle, and a bit of foam, I made an adorable owl.
I found the stab-stab-stabbing of the needle very relaxing. I won't try to guess why...
And it was surprisingly easy to add fine details! Except when I accidentally felted my own finger. It is not a good idea to pierce oneself with a barbed needle. Just in case you were wondering.
So here it is! Not perfect, of course. Not even close. But boy, was it fun! I am planning to become addicted to this new hobby tomorrow.
If you are interested in needle felting, have a look at my Pinterest Board for some great links!